This checklist includes all bird species found in Desventuradas Islands , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to .
The taxonomic order and nomenclature follows Clements, version 2024. If you prefer to view the list based on a different authority, click on one of the list available below. Globally threatened species (status in red) were identified by Birdlife International in Birdlife Data Zone (species).
Bird Checklists of the World is part of Avibase and Bird links to the World, which are designed and maintained by Denis Lepage, and hosted by Birds Canada, which is a co-partner of Birdlife International.
© Denis Lepage 2025
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Country or region: Desventuradas Islands [map]
Description: Includes San Ambrosio, González and San Félix
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Spectacled Duck | Speculanas specularis | Near-threatened |
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Southern Lapwing | Vanellus chilensis | |
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Red-necked Phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus | |
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Long-tailed Jaeger | Stercorarius longicaudus | |
Parasitic Jaeger | Stercorarius parasiticus | |
Pomarine Jaeger | Stercorarius pomarinus | |
South Polar Skua | Stercorarius maccormicki | |
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Swallow-tailed Gull | Creagrus furcatus | |
Kelp Gull | Larus dominicanus | |
Black Skimmer | Rynchops niger | |
Brown Noddy | Anous stolidus | |
Black Noddy | Anous minutus | Rare/Accidental |
Gray Noddy | Anous albivitta | |
Sooty Tern | Onychoprion fuscatus | |
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White-tailed Tropicbird | Phaethon lepturus | |
Red-tailed Tropicbird | Phaethon rubricauda | |
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Waved Albatross | Phoebastria irrorata | Rare/Accidental Critically endangered |
Buller's Albatross | Thalassarche bulleri | Near-threatened |
Salvin's Albatross | Thalassarche salvini | Vulnerable |
Chatham Albatross | Thalassarche eremita | Vulnerable |
Black-browed Albatross | Thalassarche melanophris | |
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Wilson's Storm-Petrel | Oceanites oceanicus | |
Elliot's Storm-Petrel | Oceanites gracilis | Data deficient |
White-bellied Storm-Petrel | Fregetta grallaria | |
Black-bellied Storm-Petrel | Fregetta tropica | |
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Ringed Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates hornbyi | Near-threatened |
Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates tethys | |
Markham's Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates markhami | Near-threatened |
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Southern Giant-Petrel | Macronectes giganteus | |
Southern Fulmar | Fulmarus glacialoides | |
Pintado Petrel | Daption capense | |
Kermadec Petrel | Pterodroma neglecta | |
Juan Fernandez Petrel | Pterodroma externa | Vulnerable |
Cook's Petrel | Pterodroma cookii | Vulnerable |
Masatierra Petrel | Pterodroma defilippiana | Vulnerable |
Stejneger's Petrel | Pterodroma longirostris | Vulnerable |
Antarctic Prion | Pachyptila desolata | |
Slender-billed Prion | Pachyptila belcheri | |
Pink-footed Shearwater | Ardenna creatopus | Vulnerable |
Buller's Shearwater | Ardenna bulleri | Vulnerable |
Sooty Shearwater | Ardenna grisea | Near-threatened |
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Great Frigatebird | Fregata minor | |
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Masked Booby | Sula dactylatra | |
Blue-footed Booby | Sula nebouxii | |
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Guanay Cormorant | Leucocarbo bougainvilliorum | Near-threatened |
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American Kestrel | Falco sparverius | |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus |
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