This checklist includes all bird species found in Lisboa , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to .
The taxonomic order and nomenclature follows Howard and Moore 4th edition (incl. corrigenda vol.1-2). If you prefer to view the list based on a different authority, click on one of the list available below. Globally threatened species (status in red) were identified by Birdlife International in Birdlife Data Zone (species).
Bird Checklists of the World is part of Avibase and Bird links to the World, which are designed and maintained by Denis Lepage, and hosted by Birds Canada, which is a co-partner of Birdlife International.
© Denis Lepage 2024
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Country or region: Lisboa [map]
Other names: Lisbon
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Fulvous Whistling Duck | Dendrocygna bicolor | Rare/Accidental |
Mute Swan | Cygnus olor | Introduced species |
Bean Goose | Anser fabalis | |
Common Scoter | Melanitta nigra | |
Red-breasted Merganser | Mergus serrator | |
Egyptian Goose | Alopochen aegyptiaca | Introduced species |
Common Shelduck | Tadorna tadorna | |
Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina | |
Ferruginous Duck | Aythya nyroca | Near-threatened |
Northern Shoveler | Spatula clypeata | |
Eurasian Wigeon | Mareca penelope | |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | |
Northern Pintail | Anas acuta | |
Common Teal | Anas crecca | |
Wood Duck | Aix sponsa | Rare/Accidental |
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Common Quail | Coturnix coturnix | |
Red-legged Partridge | Alectoris rufa | Near-threatened |
Common Pheasant | Phasianus colchicus | Introduced species |
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Greater Flamingo | Phoenicopterus roseus | |
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Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis | |
Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus | |
Black-necked Grebe | Podiceps nigricollis | |
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Rock Dove | Columba livia | |
Wood Pigeon | Columba palumbus | |
European Turtle Dove | Streptopelia turtur | Vulnerable |
Eurasian Collared Dove | Streptopelia decaocto | |
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Red-necked Nightjar | Caprimulgus ruficollis | Near-threatened |
European Nightjar | Caprimulgus europaeus | |
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Alpine Swift | Tachymarptis melba | |
White-rumped Swift | Apus caffer | |
Plain Swift | Apus unicolor | |
Pallid Swift | Apus pallidus | |
Common Swift | Apus apus | |
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Great Spotted Cuckoo | Clamator glandarius | |
Common Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus | |
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Western Water Rail | Rallus aquaticus | |
Purple Gallinule | Porphyrio martinicus | Rare/Accidental |
Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus | |
Common Coot | Fulica atra | |
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Little Bustard | Tetrax tetrax | Near-threatened |
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Red-throated Diver | Gavia stellata | |
Great Northern Diver | Gavia immer | |
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Wilson's Storm-petrel | Oceanites oceanicus | |
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Madeiran Storm-petrel | Hydrobates castro | |
Leach's Storm-petrel | Hydrobates leucorhous | |
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Cape Verde Petrel | Pterodroma feae | |
Madeira Petrel | Pterodroma madeira | Endangered |
Sooty Shearwater | Ardenna grisea | Near-threatened |
Great Shearwater | Ardenna gravis | |
Scopoli's Shearwater | Calonectris diomedea | |
Cory's Shearwater | Calonectris borealis | |
Manx Shearwater | Puffinus puffinus | |
Yelkouan Shearwater | Puffinus yelkouan | |
Audubon's Shearwater | Puffinus lherminieri | |
Bulwer's Petrel | Bulweria bulwerii | |
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European White Stork | Ciconia ciconia | |
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Little Bittern | Ixobrychus minutus | |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax | |
Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis | |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea | |
Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea | |
Great Egret | Ardea alba | |
Little Egret | Egretta garzetta | |
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Eurasian Spoonbill | Platalea leucorodia | |
Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus | |
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Northern Gannet | Morus bassanus | |
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European Shag | Phalacrocorax aristotelis | |
Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo | |
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Eurasian Thick-knee | Burhinus oedicnemus | |
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Eurasian Oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus | Near-threatened |
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Pied Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta | |
Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus | |
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Grey Plover | Pluvialis squatarola | |
Eurasian Golden Plover | Pluvialis apricaria | |
Common Ringed Plover | Charadrius hiaticula | |
Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius | |
Kentish Plover | Charadrius alexandrinus | |
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Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus | |
Eurasian Curlew | Numenius arquata | Near-threatened |
Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica | Near-threatened |
Black-tailed Godwit | Limosa limosa | Near-threatened |
Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres | |
Red Knot | Calidris canutus | Near-threatened |
Ruff | Calidris pugnax | |
Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea | Near-threatened |
Sanderling | Calidris alba | |
Dunlin | Calidris alpina | |
Purple Sandpiper | Calidris maritima | |
Little Stint | Calidris minuta | |
Eurasian Woodcock | Scolopax rusticola | |
Common Snipe | Gallinago gallinago | |
Jack Snipe | Lymnocryptes minimus | |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | |
Green Sandpiper | Tringa ochropus | |
Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia | |
Common Redshank | Tringa totanus | |
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Atlantic Puffin | Fratercula arctica | Vulnerable |
Razorbill | Alca torda | |
Common Guillemot | Uria aalge | |
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Great Skua | Stercorarius skua | |
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Black-legged Kittiwake | Rissa tridactyla | Vulnerable |
Sabine's Gull | Xema sabini | |
Bonaparte's Gull | Chroicocephalus philadelphia | Rare/Accidental |
Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus ridibundus | |
Little Gull | Hydrocoloeus minutus | |
Mediterranean Gull | Ichthyaetus melanocephalus | |
Audouin's Gull | Ichthyaetus audouinii | Vulnerable |
Mew Gull | Larus canus | |
Ring-billed Gull | Larus delawarensis | |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Larus fuscus | |
Herring Gull | Larus argentatus | |
Yellow-legged Gull | Larus michahellis | |
Caspian Gull | Larus cachinnans | |
Iceland Gull | Larus glaucoides | |
Glaucous Gull | Larus hyperboreus | |
Great Black-backed Gull | Larus marinus | Rare/Accidental |
Bridled Tern | Onychoprion anaethetus | Rare/Accidental |
Little Tern | Sternula albifrons | |
Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica | |
Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia | |
Black Tern | Chlidonias niger | |
Common Tern | Sterna hirundo | |
Sandwich Tern | Thalasseus sandvicensis | |
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Osprey | Pandion haliaetus | |
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Black-winged Kite | Elanus caeruleus | |
European Honey Buzzard | Pernis apivorus | |
Short-toed Eagle | Circaetus gallicus | |
Griffon Vulture | Gyps fulvus | |
Cinereous Vulture | Aegypius monachus | Near-threatened |
Bonelli's Eagle | Aquila fasciata | |
Booted Eagle | Hieraaetus pennatus | |
Western Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus | |
Hen Harrier | Circus cyaneus | |
Montagu's Harrier | Circus pygargus | |
Eurasian Sparrowhawk | Accipiter nisus | |
Northern Goshawk | Accipiter gentilis | |
Red Kite | Milvus milvus | |
Black Kite | Milvus migrans | |
Eurasian Buzzard | Buteo buteo | |
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Common Barn Owl | Tyto alba | Rare/Accidental |
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Little Owl | Athene noctua | |
Eurasian Scops Owl | Otus scops | |
Northern Long-eared Owl | Asio otus | |
Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus | |
Tawny Owl | Strix aluco | |
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Common Hoopoe | Upupa epops | |
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Northern Wryneck | Jynx torquilla | |
Green Woodpecker | Picus viridis | |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos minor | |
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos major | |
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European Bee-eater | Merops apiaster | |
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European Roller | Coracias garrulus | |
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Common Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis | |
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Lesser Kestrel | Falco naumanni | |
Common Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus | |
Merlin | Falco columbarius | |
Eurasian Hobby | Falco subbuteo | |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | |
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Monk Parakeet | Myiopsitta monachus | Introduced species |
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Rose-ringed Parakeet | Psittacula krameri | Introduced species |
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Eurasian Golden Oriole | Oriolus oriolus | |
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Iberian Grey Shrike | Lanius meridionalis | Vulnerable |
Woodchat Shrike | Lanius senator | Near-threatened |
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Azure-winged Magpie | Cyanopica cyanus | |
Eurasian Jay | Garrulus glandarius | |
Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica | |
Common Raven | Corvus corax | |
Carrion Crow | Corvus corone | |
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Dunnock | Prunella modularis | |
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Yellow-crowned Bishop | Euplectes afer | Introduced species |
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Common Waxbill | Estrilda astrild | Introduced species |
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House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | |
Eurasian Rock Sparrow | Petronia petronia | |
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Tree Pipit | Anthus trivialis | |
Olive-backed Pipit | Anthus hodgsoni | Rare/Accidental |
Meadow Pipit | Anthus pratensis | |
Water Pipit | Anthus spinoletta | |
Rock Pipit | Anthus petrosus | |
Tawny Pipit | Anthus campestris | |
Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava | |
Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | |
White Wagtail | Motacilla alba | |
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Common Chaffinch | Fringilla coelebs | |
Brambling | Fringilla montifringilla | |
Hawfinch | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | |
Eurasian Bullfinch | Pyrrhula pyrrhula | |
European Greenfinch | Chloris chloris | |
Common Linnet | Linaria cannabina | |
Red Crossbill | Loxia curvirostra | |
European Goldfinch | Carduelis carduelis | |
European Serin | Serinus serinus | |
Eurasian Siskin | Spinus spinus | |
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Corn Bunting | Emberiza calandra | |
Rock Bunting | Emberiza cia | |
Ortolan Bunting | Emberiza hortulana | |
Cirl Bunting | Emberiza cirlus | |
Eurasian Reed Bunting | Schoeniclus schoeniclus | |
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Coal Tit | Periparus ater | |
Crested Tit | Lophophanes cristatus | |
Blue Tit | Cyanistes caeruleus | |
Great Tit | Parus major | |
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European Penduline Tit | Remiz pendulinus | |
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Calandra Lark | Melanocorypha calandra | |
Greater Short-toed Lark | Calandrella brachydactyla | |
Wood Lark | Lullula arborea | |
Eurasian Sky Lark | Alauda arvensis | |
Crested Lark | Galerida cristata | |
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Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis | |
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Savi's Warbler | Locustella luscinioides | |
Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia | |
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Melodious Warbler | Hippolais polyglotta | |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | |
Common Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | |
Paddyfield Warbler | Acrocephalus agricola | Rare/Accidental |
Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | |
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Northern House Martin | Delichon urbicum | |
Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis daurica | |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | |
Eurasian Crag Martin | Ptyonoprogne rupestris | |
Sand Martin | Riparia riparia | |
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Western Bonelli's Warbler | Rhadina bonelli | |
Yellow-browed Warbler | Abrornis inornatus | Rare/Accidental |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | |
Iberian Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus ibericus | |
Common Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | |
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Cetti's Warbler | Cettia cetti | |
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Long-tailed Tit | Aegithalos caudatus | |
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Eurasian Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | |
Garden Warbler | Sylvia borin | |
Western Orphean Warbler | Curruca hortensis | |
Western Subalpine Warbler | Curruca inornata | |
Sardinian Warbler | Curruca melanocephala | |
Common Whitethroat | Curruca communis | |
Spectacled Warbler | Curruca conspicillata | |
Dartford Warbler | Curruca undata | Near-threatened |
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Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | |
Eurasian Firecrest | Regulus ignicapilla | |
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Short-toed Treecreeper | Certhia brachydactyla | |
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Eurasian Nuthatch | Sitta europaea | |
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Eurasian Wren | Troglodytes troglodytes | |
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Common Starling | Sturnus vulgaris | |
Spotless Starling | Sturnus unicolor | |
Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis | Introduced species |
Crested Myna | Acridotheres cristatellus | Introduced species |
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Spotted Flycatcher | Muscicapa striata | |
European Robin | Erithacus rubecula | |
Common Nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos | |
Bluethroat | Luscinia svecica | |
Red-breasted Flycatcher | Ficedula parva | Rare/Accidental |
European Pied Flycatcher | Ficedula hypoleuca | |
Common Redstart | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | |
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | |
Blue Rock Thrush | Monticola solitarius | |
Whinchat | Saxicola rubetra | |
European Stonechat | Saxicola rubicola | |
Northern Wheatear | Oenanthe oenanthe | |
Black-eared Wheatear | Oenanthe hispanica | |
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Mistle Thrush | Turdus viscivorus | |
Song Thrush | Turdus philomelos | |
Redwing | Turdus iliacus | Near-threatened |
Eurasian Blackbird | Turdus merula | |
Fieldfare | Turdus pilaris | |
Ring Ouzel | Turdus torquatus |
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