This checklist includes all bird species found in Urraca Wildlife Management Area , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to .
The taxonomic order and nomenclature follows Howard and Moore 4th edition (incl. corrigenda vol.1-2). If you prefer to view the list based on a different authority, click on one of the list available below. Globally threatened species (status in red) were identified by Birdlife International in Birdlife Data Zone (species).
Bird Checklists of the World is part of Avibase and Bird links to the World, which are designed and maintained by Denis Lepage, and hosted by Birds Canada, which is a co-partner of Birdlife International.
© Denis Lepage 2025
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Country or region: Urraca Wildlife Management Area [map]
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Canada Goose | Branta canadensis | |
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Dusky Grouse | Dendragapus obscurus | |
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Mourning Dove | Zenaida macroura | |
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Broad-tailed Hummingbird | Selasphorus platycercus | |
Calliope Hummingbird | Selasphorus calliope | |
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Turkey Vulture | Cathartes aura | |
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Golden Eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Accipiter striatus | |
Cooper's Hawk | Accipiter cooperii | |
Swainson's Hawk | Buteo swainsoni | |
Red-tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis | |
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Common Barn Owl | Tyto alba | |
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Northern Flicker | Colaptes auratus | |
Williamson's Sapsucker | Sphyrapicus thyroideus | |
Red-naped Sapsucker | Sphyrapicus nuchalis | |
Downy Woodpecker | Picoides pubescens | |
Hairy Woodpecker | Picoides villosus | |
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American Kestrel | Falco sparverius | |
Prairie Falcon | Falco mexicanus | |
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Ash-throated Flycatcher | Myiarchus cinerascens | |
Gray Flycatcher | Empidonax wrightii | |
Dusky Flycatcher | Empidonax oberholseri | |
Cordilleran Flycatcher | Empidonax occidentalis | |
Western Wood Pewee | Contopus sordidulus | |
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Plumbeous Vireo | Vireo plumbeus | |
Cassin's Vireo | Vireo cassinii | |
Warbling Vireo | Vireo gilvus | |
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Black-billed Magpie | Pica hudsonia | |
Clark's Nutcracker | Nucifraga columbiana | |
Common Raven | Corvus corax | |
American Crow | Corvus brachyrhynchos | |
Pinyon Jay | Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus | Vulnerable |
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay | Aphelocoma woodhouseii | |
Steller's Jay | Cyanocitta stelleri | |
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Evening Grosbeak | Hesperiphona vespertina | Vulnerable |
Pine Siskin | Spinus pinus | |
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Chipping Sparrow | Spizella passerina | |
Brewer's Sparrow | Spizella breweri | |
Green-tailed Towhee | Pipilo chlorurus | |
Spotted Towhee | Pipilo maculatus | |
Dark-eyed Junco | Junco hyemalis | |
White-crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia leucophrys | |
Sagebrush Sparrow | Artemisiospiza nevadensis | |
Vesper Sparrow | Pooecetes gramineus | |
Lincoln's Sparrow | Melospiza lincolnii | |
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Orange-crowned Warbler | Leiothlypis celata | |
Virginia's Warbler | Leiothlypis virginiae | |
MacGillivray's Warbler | Geothlypis tolmiei | |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Setophaga coronata | |
Black-throated Gray Warbler | Setophaga nigrescens | |
Wilson's Warbler | Cardellina pusilla | |
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Brown-headed Cowbird | Molothrus ater | |
Brewer's Blackbird | Euphagus cyanocephalus | |
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Black-headed Grosbeak | Pheucticus melanocephalus | |
Western Tanager | Piranga ludoviciana | |
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Juniper Titmouse | Baeolophus ridgwayi | |
Black-capped Chickadee | Poecile atricapillus | |
Mountain Chickadee | Poecile gambeli | |
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Horned Lark | Eremophila alpestris | |
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Tree Swallow | Tachycineta bicolor | |
Violet-green Swallow | Tachycineta thalassina | |
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Bushtit | Psaltriparus minimus | |
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Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Regulus calendula | |
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American Treecreeper | Certhia americana | |
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Pygmy Nuthatch | Sitta pygmaea | |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sitta canadensis | |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sitta carolinensis | |
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House Wren | Troglodytes aedon | |
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Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | Polioptila caerulea | |
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Sage Thrasher | Oreoscoptes montanus | |
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Western Bluebird | Sialia mexicana | |
Mountain Bluebird | Sialia currucoides | |
Townsend's Solitaire | Myadestes townsendi | |
Hermit Thrush | Catharus guttatus | |
American Robin | Turdus migratorius |
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