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Bird checklist historical comparisons

You can use this page to compare any 2 historical versions of a published checklist. For example, you can use this tool to see what changes have occurred between the 6th and the 7th edition of the AOU checklist, or between the 48th and the 49th supplement. Note that cross-checklists comparisons are only available for global checklists. You also restrict the list of changes to a geographic region (e.g. a country, a province or a site) to see only changes affecting birds in a specific area.

Checklist #1

Checklist #2


 Taxon removed. This color indicates that the taxonomic concept is only present in the first checklist. The species was either removed entirely from the list, or may have been replaced by another taxon concept (eg, following a species split or a species lump).
 Taxon added. This color indicates that the taxonomic concept is only present in the second checklist. The species was either entirely new to the checklist, or it may replace another concept (eg, following a species split or a species lump).
 Name changed. This color indicates that the taxonomic concept is the same between the 2 versions (ie, that the names refers to the same population), but that the scientific, common or family name has been modified.

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