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List of bird species found in French Southern Territory, but not reported from Australia (continental including Tasmania)

SortCommon NameScientific NameAustralia (continental including Tasmania)French Southern Territory
496Amsterdam DuckMareca mareculaendemic
566Eaton's PintailAnas eatoniendemic
3428Common CuckooCuculus canorusrare/accidental
5705Black-faced SheathbillChionis minorpresent
5834Blacksmith LapwingVanellus armatusrare/accidental
6314Black-winged PratincoleGlareola nordmannirare/accidental
6334Chilean SkuaStercorarius chilensisrare/accidental
6690Kerguelen TernSterna virgatapresent
6787Emperor PenguinAptenodytes forsteripresent
7071Rapa ShearwaterPuffinus myrtaeendemic
7130White StorkCiconia ciconiarare/accidental
7283Imperial CormorantLeucocarbo atricepspresent
7289Crozet ShagLeucocarbo melanogenispresent
7290Kerguelen ShagLeucocarbo verrucosusendemic
11835Eleonora's FalconFalco eleonoraepresent
30804Common WaxbillEstrilda astrildintroduced

Number of species: 16

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