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List of bird species found in Wallis and Futuna Islands, but not reported from Australia (continental including Tasmania)

SortCommon NameScientific NameAustralia (continental including Tasmania)Wallis and Futuna Islands
801Melanesian MegapodeMegapodius eremitarare/accidental
2208Shy Ground DovePampusana stairiextirpated
2651Crimson-crowned Fruit-DovePtilinopus porphyraceusbreeder
3978White-rumped SwiftletAerodramus spodiopygiusbreeder
5501Black-backed SwamphenPorphyrio indicuspresent
5984Bristle-thighed CurlewNumenius tahitiensisnon-breeder
9871Pacific KingfisherTodiramphus sacerpresent
11865Aplomado FalconFalco femoralisrare/accidental
12365Blue-crowned LorikeetVini australisbreeder
17831Eastern Wattled-HoneyeaterFoulehaio carunculatusbreeder
18448Polynesian TrillerLalage maculosabreeder
20444Fiji ShrikebillClytorhynchus vitiensisbreeder
27319Polynesian StarlingAplonis tabuensisbreeder
27430Jungle MynaAcridotheres fuscusintroduced

Number of species: 14

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