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Birding Trip Reports Birdwatching in Madagascar with Réunion, Mauritius & Seychelles Trip Reports (Birdtours): the Seychelles Trip Reports To search the entire trip report database please click here. Summary table: Region# Region name Avg # species Duration (days) Avg # endemics 318 Seychelles (22 reports) 44 species (30-53, n=16) 14 days (8-23, n=18) Number of trip reports found: 23 Click on a column header to sort the reports or click on a report name to open it in a new window: Trip Report Region StartDate Month Duration(days) # ofSpecies # ofEndemics Lang. Madagascar with Réunion, Mauritius & Seychelles Oct Nov 1994 Seychelles 16/10/1994 10 8 46 Seychelles 1998 Seychelles 24/09/1998 9 15 48 Birdwatching in the seychelles - a personal account Seychelles 24/09/1998 9 15 48 Trip Report: Seychelles [archives] Seychelles 1/06/2000 6 15 39 Trip Report: Seychelles Seychelles 24/07/2000 7 13 39 Trip Report: Seychelles Seychelles 19/10/2000 10 12 46 Seychelles 1998 [archives] Seychelles 9/08/1998 8 10 30 the Seychelles Seychelles 4/06/2002 6 14 34 Des oiseaux et des plumes Seychelles 15/03/2003 3 9 40 Voyage aux Seychelles du 15 au 23 mars 2003 Seychelles 15/03/2003 3 9 40 Seychelles 6th to 19th September 2004 Seychelles 6/09/2004 9 14 41 seychellerna2000 Seychelles 21/10/2000 10 14 53 Seychellerna2002_HC Seychelles 27/02/2002 2 16 50 Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues, 13 – 28 November 2004 [archives] Seychelles 13/11/2004 11 16 -1 Hotade arter på Seychellerna Seychelles -1 The Seychelles, 21st October to 4th November 2001 Seychelles 21/10/2001 10 16 51 Seychelles Oct 2001 Seychelles 21/10/2001 10 16 51 Seychelles 2005 [archives] Seychelles 2/11/2005 11 23 52 Seychelles Nov 2005 Seychelles 1/11/2005 11 23 52 The Seychelles - Tropical Paradise - 6th - 17th July 2008 Seychelles 6/07/2008 7 12 Seychelles, Jan-2009 Seychelles 1/01/2009 1 Seychelles, Jul-2008 Seychelles 1/07/2008 7 Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Sep-2005 Seychelles 1/09/2005 9
Birding Trip Reports
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Summary table:
Number of trip reports found: 23
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