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Trip Reports To search the entire trip report database please click here. Summary table: Region# Region name Avg # species Duration (days) Avg # endemics 350 Georgia (24 reports) 199 species (199-199, n=2) 10 days (10-10, n=2) Number of trip reports found: 24 Click on a column header to sort the reports or click on a report name to open it in a new window: Trip Report Region StartDate Month Duration(days) # ofSpecies # ofEndemics Lang. Georgia 2000 Georgia 2 Republic of Georgia Jul/Aug98 Georgia 7 Georgia (Caucasus) - 31 July to 11 August 1998 [archives] Georgia 7 Armenia and Georgia Georgia 24/06/2004 6 10 199 Georgia Georgia Sandgrouse - Georgia trip report Georgia 2 The birds of Armenia and Georgia, June - July 2004 by Chris Batty Georgia 24/06/2004 6 10 199 Georgien vom 30.6. bis 18.7.2000 Georgia Turkey & Georgia - 9-23 May 2006 Georgia Georgia with Wingsbirds Tours [archives] Georgia Kaukasus och området kring Tbilisi 2026 april 2006 [archives] Georgia Georgia May 2008 Georgia Georgia, Caucasus & Steppe Georgia Georgia and Armenia, Jul-2006 [archives] Georgia 1/07/2006 7 Georgia, May-2007 Georgia 1/05/2007 5 Northeast Turkey & Georgia, Jun-2008 [archives] Georgia 1/06/2008 6 Caucasus, Georgia, Jun-2006 [archives] Georgia 1/06/2006 6 Georgia, Caucasus, May-2007 Georgia 1/05/2007 5 Georgia, May-2009 Georgia 1/05/2009 5 Batumi, Chorokhi, Kazbegi, Vardzia, Ninotsminda, Aug-Oct 2008 Georgia 1/08/2008 8 Georgia, May-2008 Georgia 1/05/2008 5 Stepanstminda, Kazbegi, Apr-May 2010 Georgia 1/04/2010 4 Pontics, Gtr Caucasus, Ishak Pasa, Van Golu, Euphrates, Aladag Mountains, Goksu & Tarsus Deltas, N.Cyprus, May-Jun 2010 [archives] Georgia 1/05/2010 5 Kazbegi, May-2010 [archives] Georgia 1/05/2010 5
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Number of trip reports found: 24
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