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Birdlife International


Bird Checklists

Western Australia (AU) has 17 endemic species: The following species are endemic to the region of Western Australia (AU). You can search the web for site locations and information about them by clicking on the species name. (b) denotes a breeding endemic, and † an extinct species.

Long-billed Black-Cockatoo
Short-billed Black-Cockatoo
Western Corella
Red-capped Parrot
Western Rosella
Kimberley Imperial-Pigeon
Noisy Scrub-bird
Red-winged Fairywren
Black Grasswren
Western Spinebill
Little Wattlebird
Western Bristlebird
Western Thornbill
Dusky Gerygone
White-breasted Robin
Western Whipbird
Red-eared Firetail


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