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Birdlife International


Bird Checklists

Argentina has 23 endemic species: The following species are endemic to the region of Argentina. You can search the web for site locations and information about them by clicking on the species name. (b) denotes a breeding endemic, and † an extinct species.

Olrog's Gull (b)
Dinelli's Doradito (b)
Black-crowned Monjita (b)
Lesser Shrike-Tyrant (b)
Hudson's Black-Tyrant (b)
Chubut Steamerduck
Bare-eyed Ground-Dove
Tucuman Pygmy-Owl
Rusty-backed Monjita
Salinas Monjita
Buff-breasted Earthcreeper
Cordoba Cinclodes
Olrog's Cinclodes
Steinbach's Canastero
Patagonian Canastero
White-throated Cacholote
Sandy Gallito
White-browed Tapaculo
Yellow-striped Brush-Finch
Carbonated Sierra-Finch
Cinnamon Warbling-Finch
Tucuman Mountain-Finch
Narosky's Seedeater


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