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Birding Trip Reports OR Trip Reports Trip Reports To search the entire trip report database please click here. Summary table: Region# Region name Avg # species Duration (days) Avg # endemics 58 Oregon (US) (30 reports) Number of trip reports found: 30 Click on a column header to sort the reports or click on a report name to open it in a new window: Trip Report Region StartDate Month Duration(days) # ofSpecies # ofEndemics Lang. BC-02-97 Oregon 2 April 1996 - Birding by Train (+ California) - Trip Report Oregon September 1998 - (part of Multi-State Trip Report) Oregon Avian Adventures Tour reports from Oregon Oregon 5 Avian Adventures Tour reports, bird list for Oregon Oregon Newport, Oregon, to Yaquina Head and offshore 22 miles Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon ABA Convention and Storm-Chasing Trip On-line Oregon Oregon and Northern Ca. Trip Report Oregon Upper Klamath Refuge, Oregon, USA, Sep 31-Oct 2 Oregon Oregron trip report - update Oregon Oregon trip report -Reply Oregon Oregon trip report Oregon Oregon-Washington trip report Oregon SE Oregon (mostly) Oregon Oregon - SE (mostly), 8/97 Oregon Trip Report--Oregon Cascades (long) Oregon Oregon Cascades, 8/97 Oregon Oregon - north coast, July 20-27 Oregon Trip Report:Oregon Coast & Bristle-thighed Curlew Oregon Trip Report-N.Oregon Coast and BTC Oregon Oregon - N. Coast and BTCurlew, 5/98 Oregon Oregon 2006 Oregon Oregon 2006 Checklist Oregon Oregon: Birds and the Shakespeare Festival with Wingsbirds Tours [archives] Oregon Oregon in Spring with Wingsbirds Tours [archives] Oregon Trip report: Oregon 2010 Oregon
Birding Trip Reports
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Number of trip reports found: 30
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