The Kentish plover is a small cosmopolitan shorebird of the family Charadriidae that breeds on the shores of saline lakes, lagoons, and coasts, populating sand dunes, marshes, semi-arid desert, and tundra. Both male and female birds have pale plumages with a white underside, grey/brown back, dark legs and a dark bill, however additionally the male birds also exhibit very dark incomplete breast bands, and dark markings either side of their head, therefore the Kentish plover is regarded as sexually dimorphic Source: Wikipedia
Anarhynchus alexandrinus alexandrinus: breeds western Palearctic to eastern China, southern Japan including Ryukyu Islands; winters to Africa, southern Asia, Philippines, Indonesia, and Borneo
Anarhynchus alexandrinus dealbatus: breeds coastal southeastern China; also Vietnam (1 nest); winters to coastal southern Vietnam, southern Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Singapore, and eastern Sumatra
Anarhynchus alexandrinus nihonensis: breeds coasts of far southeastern Russia, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, northern Japan, and perhaps northeastern China; nonbreeding range unknown
Anarhynchus alexandrinus seebohmi: southeastern India and Sri Lanka
Anarhynchus nivosus: breeds coastal Washington to central Baja California; inland Saskatchewan (irregular; south-central Canada) to California and central Oklahoma and Texas; coastal Gulf of Mexico to Yucatán Peninsula; inland central Mexico; southern and central Bahamas to Virgin Islands; and Peru to south-central Chile; winters to coastal northern Central America
Anarhynchus nivosus nivosus: USA to Mexico and West Indies; winters to Panama
Anarhynchus nivosus occidentalis: coastal Peru to south-central Chile
Anarhynchus javanicus: coastal lowlands of Java, Bali, and Kangean Islands