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Black-fronted Parakeet

Cyanoramphus zealandicus (Latham, J 1790)

The extinct black-fronted parakeet or Tahiti parakeet was endemic to the Pacific island of Tahiti. Its native name was simply ’ā’ā ("parrot") according to Latham (1790) though White (1887) gives "aa-maha". Source: Wikipedia

  Cyanoramphus zealandicus

Original description

  (Latham, J 1790)

   Index Orn. 1 p.102

  Psittacus zealandicus

Type locality:
  New Zealand, error = Society Islands.


Avibase identifiers

Avibase ID:

Avibase ID:

Short link:

Taxonomic Serial Number:
  TSN: 554879


Geographic range:

  • Cyanoramphus zealandicus: Formerly Society Is. Extinct; last reported 1850
Black-fronted Parakeet
Cotorra de front negre
kakariki tahitský
Perico frentinegro
Spanish (Spain):
Perico frentinegro
Perruche de Tahiti
tahitska kozica
tahiti papagáj
Parrocchetto frontenera
Japanese (romaji):
Juodoji šoklioji papūga
modrolotka czarnoczelna
Portuguese (Portugal):
Таитянский какарики
kakariki čiernočelý
Papagaj sa ostrva Rajateja
Какарікі чорнолобий
Chinese (Traditional):

Authorities recognizing this taxonomic concept:

Avibase taxonomic concepts (current):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2023 (May 2023):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 01 (August 2013):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 02 (May 2014):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 05 (Jan 2017):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 06 (Feb 2018):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 07 (Feb 2020):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 08 (Feb 2021):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 00:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 01:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 02:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 03:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 04:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 05 (Jun 2012):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 05.1 (Oct 2012):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 06 (Nov 2013):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 06.1 (Feb 2014):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 07 (Jul 2014):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 08 (Oct 2015):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 09 (Dec 2016):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Birdlife checklist version 09.1 (Jun 2017):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v2 (Dec 2017):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v3 (Nov 2018):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v4 (Dec 2019):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v5 (Dec 2020):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6 (Dec 2021):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6b (Jul 2022):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v7 (Dec 2022):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v8 (Dec 2023):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Commission internationale pour les noms français des oiseaux (1993, révision 2009):
Perruche de Tahiti ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Commission internationale pour les noms français des oiseaux (1993):
Perruche de Tahiti ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2021:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2022:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2023:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 3rd edition:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 4th edition:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2007 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2008 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2009 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.5 incl. 2010 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.6 incl. 2011 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.7 incl. 2012 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.8 incl. 2013 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.9 incl. 2014 revisions):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2015:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2016:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2017:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2018:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Clements, version 2019:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 1.50:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 1.52:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 1.53:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 1.54:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 1.55:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2015:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2016:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2017:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2018:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2019:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2021:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2022:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
eBird version 2023:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (as published):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 1.2):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 2.1):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 3.1):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 4):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 5):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 6):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 7):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 8):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 4th edition (vol. 1-2):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Howard and Moore 4th edition (incl. corrigenda vol.1-2):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2017):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2018):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.3:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.4:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.5:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.3:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.4:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.3:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.4:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.3:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.4:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.3:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 8.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 8.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 9.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 9.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 10.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 10.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 11.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 11.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 12.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 12.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 13.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 13.2:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
IOC World Bird Names, version 14.1:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Morony, Bock and Farrand:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Peters' Check-list of the Birds:
Cyanoramphus zealandicus
Peters' Check-list of the Birds (original):
Cyanoramphus zealandicus
Peters' Check-list of the Birds (2nd edition):
Cyanoramphus zealandicus
Sibley and Monroe (1993):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Sibley and Monroe (1993, including corrections up to 1998):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Sibley and Monroe, Birds of the World Version 2.0:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Working Group Avian Checklists, version 0.01:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Working Group Avian Checklists, version 0.02:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Working Group Avian Checklists, version 0.03:
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Working Group Avian Checklists, version 0.04 (7/07/2024):
Black-fronted Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource:
Cyanoramphus zealandicus
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource:
Cyanoramphus zealandicus

Taxonomic status:

Species status: full species

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Other synonyms

See also the taxonomic synonyms table.

Catalan: Cotorra de front negre
Czech: kakariki tahitský
Danish: Tahitiparakit
German: Schwarzstirnsittich, Tahiti-Laufsittich
English: Black fronted Parakeet, Black-fronted Parakeet, Black-Fronted Parrot, Tahiti Parakeet
English, HBW: Black-fronted Parakeet
English (IOC): Black-fronted Parakeet
English (United States): Black-fronted Parakeet
Spanish: Perico de Frente Negra, Perico frentinegro
Spanish (Spain): Perico frentinegro
Spanish (HBW): Black-fronted Parakeet
Estonian: tahiti papagoi
Finnish: Tahitinviherkaija
French: Kakariki de Tahiti, Perruche de Tahiti
Croatian: tahitska kozica
Hungarian: tahiti papagáj
Italian: Parrocchetto frontenera
Japanese (romaji): tahichiaohashiinko
Japanese: タヒチアオハシインコ
Scientific: Cyanoramphus magnirostris, Cyanoramphus zealandicus, Cyanoramphus zelandicus, Psittacus erythronotus, Psittacus pacificus, Psittacus zealandicus
Lithuanian: Juodoji šoklioji papūga
Dutch: Tahitikakariki, Tahitikarakiri, Tahiti-karakiri
Norwegian: Tahiti-kakariki, Tahitiparakitt
Polish: modrolotka czarnoczelna
Portuguese: Periquito-do-tahiti
Portuguese (Portugal): periquito-de-testa-preta
Russian: Таитянский какарики, Таитянский прыгающий попугай
Slovak: kakariki ciernocelý, kakariki čiernočelý
Serbian: Crnočeli papagaj, Papagaj sa ostrva Rajateja
Swedish: Tahitiparakit
Turkish: Kara alınlı papağan
Ukrainian: Какарікі чорнолобий
Chinese: 黑额鹦鹉
Chinese (Traditional): 黑額鸚鵡, 黑額鸚鵡1844滅絕

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