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Japanese Night-Heron

Gorsachius goisagi (Temminck, CJ 1836)

The Japanese night heron is a species of night heron found in East Asia. It breeds in Japan, and winters in the Philippines and Indonesia. It is also seen in the spring and summer in Korea and the Russian Far East. Source: Wikipedia

  Gorsachius goisagi

Original description

  (Temminck, CJ 1836)

   Nouv. Recueil Pl. Color. Ois. livr.98 pl.582,text

  Nycticorax goisagi

Type locality:


Avibase identifiers

Avibase ID:

Avibase ID:

Short link:

Taxonomic Serial Number:
  TSN: 174875


Geographic range:

  • Gorsachius goisagi: breeds Jeju (off southern Korean Peninsula), Honshu to Kyushu (central to southern Japan), and Taiwan; non-breeders range Ryukyu Islands (southern Japan) to Philippines
Japanese Night-Heron
Martinet de nit del Japó
kvakoš japonský
Japansk Nathejre
Martinete Japonés
Spanish (Spain):
Martinete Japonés
Bihoreau goisagi
japanski gak
japán bakcsó
Nitticora del Giappone
Japanese (romaji):
Japoninis baublys
Japanse Kwak
Norwegian Nynorsk:
ślepowron japoński
Portuguese (Portugal):
Японская кваква
chavkoš japonský
Japanski gak
japansk natthäger
Квак японський
Chinese (Traditional):

Authorities recognizing this taxonomic concept:

Avibase taxonomic concepts (current):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2023 (May 2023):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2024 (Oct 2024):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 01 (August 2013):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 02 (May 2014):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 05 (Jan 2017):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 06 (Feb 2018):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 07 (Feb 2020):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 08 (Feb 2021):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 00:
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 01:
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 02:
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 03:
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 04:
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 05 (Jun 2012):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 05.1 (Oct 2012):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 06 (Nov 2013):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 06.1 (Feb 2014):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 07 (Jul 2014):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 08 (Oct 2015):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 09 (Dec 2016):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Birdlife checklist version 09.1 (Jun 2017):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v2 (Dec 2017):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v3 (Nov 2018):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v4 (Dec 2019):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v5 (Dec 2020):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6 (Dec 2021):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6b (Jul 2022):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v7 (Dec 2022):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v8 (Dec 2023):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v9 (Oct 2024):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Commission internationale pour les noms français des oiseaux (1993, révision 2009):
Bihoreau goisagi ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Commission internationale pour les noms français des oiseaux (1993):
Bihoreau goisagi ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 1st edition:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2021:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2022:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2023:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2024:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 3rd edition:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 4th edition:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 5th edition (as published):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2000 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2001 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2002 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2003 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2004 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2005 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2007 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2008 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2009 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.5 incl. 2010 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.6 incl. 2011 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.7 incl. 2012 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.8 incl. 2013 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements 6th edition (version 6.9 incl. 2014 revisions):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2015:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2016:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2017:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2018:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Clements, version 2019:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 1.50:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 1.52:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 1.53:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 1.54:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 1.55:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2015:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2016:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2017:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2018:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2019:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2021:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2022:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2023:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
eBird version 2024:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 2nd edition:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 2nd edition (incl. ? suppl):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (as published):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 1.2):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 2.1):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 3.1):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 4):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 5):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 6):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 7):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 8):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 4th edition (vol. 1-2):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Howard and Moore 4th edition (incl. corrigenda vol.1-2):
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Handbook of the Birds of the World (vol 1-16):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (31/01/2015):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (03/07/2017):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2017):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2018):
Japanese Night-heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.0:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.5:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.6:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.7:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.0:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.3:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.4:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.5:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.6:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.7:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.8:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.9:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.10:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.11:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.3:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.4:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.5:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.3:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.4:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.3:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.4:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.3:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.4:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.3:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 8.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 8.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 9.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 9.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 10.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 10.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 11.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 11.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 12.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 12.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 13.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 13.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 14.1:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
IOC World Bird Names, version 14.2:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Morony, Bock and Farrand:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Oriental Bird Club:
Japanese Night Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Peters' Check-list of the Birds:
Nycticorax goisagi
Peters' Check-list of the Birds (original):
Gorsachius goisagi
Peters' Check-list of the Birds (2nd edition):
Nycticorax goisagi
Sibley and Monroe (1993):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Sibley and Monroe (1993, including corrections up to 1998):
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Sibley and Monroe, Birds of the World Version 2.0:
Japanese Night-Heron ( Gorsachius goisagi)
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource:
Gorsachius goisagi
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource:
Gorsachius goisagi

Taxonomic status:

Species status: full species

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Other synonyms

See also the taxonomic synonyms table.

Azerbaijani: Yaponiya qarıldağı
Bulgarian: Японска нощна чапла
Bengali: জা঩াচন চনচ঱ফক
Bengali (transliteration): jāpāni niśibaka*
Breton: Kerc'heiz-noz Japan
Catalan: Martinet de nit del Japó
Czech: Kvakoš japonský
Welsh: Crëyr nos Japan
Danish: Japansk Nathejre
German: Rotscheitelreiher, Rotscheitel-Reiher
Greek: Ιαπωνικός νυχτoκόρακας
English: Brown night heron, Japamese Night Heron, Japanese Bittern, Japanese Night Heron, Japanese Night-Heron
English, HBW: Japanese Night-heron
English (IOC): Japanese Night Heron
English (United States): Japanese Night-Heron
Esperanto: Japana noktardeo
Spanish: Garza Nocturna Japonesa, Martinete Japonés
Spanish (Spain): Martinete Japonés
Spanish (HBW): Japanese Night-Heron
Estonian: pruun-ööhaigur
Finnish: Japaninhämyhaikara
French: Bihoreau du Japon, Bihoreau goisagi
Frisian: Japanske nachtreager
Irish: Corr oíche Seapánach
Galician: Garza da noite xaponesa
Croatian: japanski gak
Hungarian: japán bakcsó
Indonesian: Kowak Jepang
Icelandic: Rökkurhegri
Italian: Gorsachio, Nitticora del Giappone, Nitticora giapponese
Japanese (romaji): mizogoi, Mizo-goi
Japanese: ミゾゴイ
Japanese (Kanji): 溝五位
Korean: 붉은해오라기
Korean (Transliteration): bulgeun-haeoragi
Kirghiz: жапон түнчү кытаны
Scientific: Gorsachius goisagi, Nycticorax goisagi
Lithuanian: Japoninis baublys
Latvian: Japānas gārnis
Dutch: Japanse Kwak
Norwegian Nynorsk: Japandverghegre
Norwegian: Japandverghegre
Polish: slepowron japonski, ślepowron japoński
Pinyin: lì yán, lì yè-yán, lì-tóu hǔ-bān yán, lì-tóu yán, má-lù
Portuguese: Savacu-japonês
Portuguese (Portugal): garça-nocturna-japonesa
Russian: Выпь японская, Японская выпь, Японская кваква
Slovak: chavkoš japonský
Slovenian: Japonski kvakač
Serbian: Japanski gak
Swedish: Japansk natthäger
Turkish: Japon Gece Balıkçılı
Tatar: Япония күлбогасы
Ukrainian: Квак японський
Chinese: 栗, 栗千干鸟, 栗夜, 栗夜鳽, 栗头, 栗头夜, 栗头虎斑, 栗头鳽, 栗开鳽, 栗頭虎斑鳽, 栗鳽, 麻鷺
Chinese (Traditional): 日本麻鷺〔栗頭虎斑鳽〕, 栗夜鳽, 栗頭虎斑鳽, 栗頭鳽, 栗鳽, 麻鷺
Chinese (Taiwan, Traditional): 麻鷺
Chinese (Taiwan): 麻鹭

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