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Mangrove Vireo

Vireo pallens Salvin, O 1863

The mangrove vireo is a species of bird in the family Vireonidae. Source: Wikipedia

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  Vireo pallens

Original description

  Salvin, O 1863

   Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1863, pt.2 p.188

Imprint year:

  Vireo pallens

Type locality:
  Realejo, Nicaragua and Punta Arenas, Costa Rica; restricted to Realejo, Nicaragua, by van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 417, but Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 8, p. 119, claims type from Punta Arenas, Costa Rica.


Avibase identifiers

Avibase ID:

Avibase ID:

Short link:

Taxonomic Serial Number:
  TSN: 563691

Geographic range:

  • Vireo pallens: mangroves on Pacific coast from southwestern Sonora to central Costa Rica and varied low-stature woodland from Tabasco (southeastern Mexico to far northeastern Costa Rica; also western Caribbean islands
  • Vireo pallens pallens: coastal western Honduras and western Nicaragua
  • Vireo pallens nicoyensis: Nicoya Peninsula and eastern side of Gulf of Nicoya (northwestern Costa Rica)
  • Vireo pallens paluster: mangroves from southwestern Sonora to northwestern Jalisco (northwestern Mexico)
  • Vireo pallens [semiflavus or browningi]: mainly along coast and on offshore islands from southeastern Guatemala to far northeastern Costa Rica
  • Vireo pallens [salvini or wetmorei]: low-stature woodlands of Yucatan Peninsula from Tabasco (southeastern Mexico) through Belize
  • Vireo pallens angulensis: Bay Islands (off northern Honduras)
  • Vireo pallens ochraceus: mangroves of Oaxaca (southwestern Mexico) to western El Salvador
  • Vireo pallens approximans: Isla de Providencia and Isla Santa Catalina (just to north of Providencia, to far northwest of Colombia, off eastern Nicaragua)
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Mangrove Vireo
viri dels manglars
zelenáček mangrovový
Vireo de Manglar
Spanish (Spain):
Vireo de Manglar
Viréo des mangroves
Vireo delle mangrovie
Japanese (romaji):
Mangrovinis vireonas
wireonek namorzynowy
Portuguese (Portugal):
Мангровый виреон
vireo mangrovový
Mangrovski zelenić
Віреон мангровий
Chinese (Traditional):

Authorities recognizing this taxonomic concept:

American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 60th suppl.):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 61st suppl.):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 61st suppl. and addendum):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 62nd suppl.):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 63rd suppl.):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 64th suppl.):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 65th suppl.):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts (current):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2023 (May 2023):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2024 (Oct 2024):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015):
Mangrove or Old Providence Vireo ( Vireo [pallens or approximans])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016):
Mangrove or Old Providence Vireo ( Vireo [pallens or approximans])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 05 (Jan 2017):
Mangrove or Old Providence Vireo ( Vireo [pallens or approximans])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 06 (Feb 2018):
Mangrove or Old Providence Vireo ( Vireo [pallens or approximans])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 07 (Feb 2020):
Mangrove or Old Providence Vireo ( Vireo [pallens or approximans])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 08 (Feb 2021):
Mangrove or Old Providence Vireo ( Vireo [pallens or approximans])
Birdlife checklist version 07 (Jul 2014):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 08 (Oct 2015):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 09 (Dec 2016):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 09.1 (Jun 2017):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v2 (Dec 2017):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v3 (Nov 2018):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v4 (Dec 2019):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v5 (Dec 2020):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6 (Dec 2021):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6b (Jul 2022):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v7 (Dec 2022):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v8 (Dec 2023):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v9 (Oct 2024):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Clements, version 2021:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
Clements, version 2022:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
Clements, version 2023:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
Clements, version 2024:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Clements, version 2019:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
eBird version 2019:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
eBird version 2021:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
eBird version 2022:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
eBird version 2023:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 2]
eBird version 2024:
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (as published):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 1.2):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 2.1):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 3.1):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 4):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 5):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 6):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 7):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 8):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 4th edition (vol. 1-2):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 4th edition (incl. corrigenda vol.1-2):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World (vol 1-16):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (31/01/2015):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (03/07/2017):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2017):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2018):
Mangrove Vireo ( Vireo pallens) [version 1]
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource:
Vireo pallens [version 1]

Taxonomic status:

Species status: full species

This taxon is considered a subspecies of Vireo [griseus, pallens, crassirostris or approximans] (sensu lato) by some authors

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Alternative arrangements:  1  2  3 

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Other synonyms

See also the taxonomic synonyms table.

Bulgarian: Мангров виреон
Catalan: viri dels manglars
Czech: zelenáček mangrovový
Danish: Mangrovevireo
German: Mangrovevireo
English: Mangrove or Old Providence Vireo, Mangrove Vireo
English, HBW: Mangrove Vireo
English (IOC): Mangrove/Providencia Vireo
English (United States): Mangrove Vireo
Spanish: Vireo de Manglar
Spanish (Costa Rica): Vireo de manglar
Spanish (Spain): Vireo de Manglar
Spanish (HBW): Mangrove Vireo
Spanish (Honduras): Vireo de manglar
Spanish (Mexico): Vireo manglero
Estonian: mangroovi-virelind
Finnish: mangrovevireo
French: Viréo des mangroves, Viréo des mangroves ou V. de Providencia
Italian: Vireo delle mangrovie
Japanese (romaji): manguro-bumozumodoki
Japanese: マングロアプモズモドキ, マングローブモズモドキ
Scientific: Vireo [pallens or approximans], Vireo pallens, Vireo pallens pallens
Lithuanian: Mangrovinis vireonas
Dutch: Mangrovevireo
Norwegian: Mangrovevireo
Polish: wireonek namorzynowy
Portuguese: Juruviara-do-manguezal
Portuguese (Portugal): víreo-dos-mangais
Russian: Мангровый виреон
Slovak: vireo mangrovový
Serbian: Mangrovski zelenić
Swedish: Mangrovevireo
Turkish: Mangrov vireosu
Ukrainian: Віреон мангровий
Chinese: 红树莺雀
Chinese (Traditional): 紅樹林綠鵙

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