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Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus]

Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus] (= Corvus macrorhynchos) Wagler, JG 1827

The large-billed crow, formerly referred to widely as the jungle crow, is a widespread Asian species of crow. It is very adaptable and is able to survive on a wide range of food sources, making it capable of colonizing new areas, due to which it is often considered a nuisance, especially on islands. It has a large bill, which is the source of its scientific name macrorhynchos and it is sometimes known by the common name thick-billed crow. It can also be mistaken for a common raven. Johann Georg Wagler first described the species from a holotype obtained from Java in the year 1827. The eastern jungle crow and Indian jungle crow were once considered conspecific and together called the jungle crow. Source: Wikipedia

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  Corvus macrorhynchos

Original description

  Wagler, JG 1827

   Systema Avium Corvus [p.313] sp.3

  Corvus Macrorhynchos

Type locality:
  'Nova Hollandia, Nova Guinea et in insulis Sumatra et Java' [= Java].


Avibase identifiers

Avibase ID:

Avibase ID:

Short link:

Taxonomic Serial Number:
  TSN: 559503

Geographic range:

  • Corvus macrorhynchos macrorhynchos: southern Indochina, the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser Sundas
  • Corvus macrorhynchos colonorum (colonorum): northern China to northern Indochina and Taiwan
  • Corvus macrorhynchos colonorum (hainanus): Hainan (southern China)
  • Corvus macrorhynchos colonorum (mengtszensis): southwestern China (southern Yunnan)
  • Corvus macrorhynchos mandshuricus: northeastern Asia
  • Corvus macrorhynchos osai: Yaeyama Islands of southern Ryukyu Islands (Ishigaki, Iriomote, Kohama, Kuru, and Aragusuku, southern Japan)
  • Corvus macrorhynchos tibetosinensis: eastern Himalayas to southeastern Tibet, northern Myanmar, and western China
  • Corvus macrorhynchos connectens: southern Ryukyu Islands (Amami Oshima, Okinawa, and Miyako-Jima, southern Japan)
  • Corvus macrorhynchos intermedius: far eastern Iran to northwestern India and western Himalayas
  • Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis: Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, and northern Japan
  • Corvus levaillantii: northeastern India (west to West Bengal) and eastern Nepal eastward to western Thailand, and Andaman Islands
  • Corvus culminatus: peninsular India and Sri Lanka
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Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus]
Corbeau à gros bec ou C. de Levaillant [excl. philippinus]

Authorities recognizing this taxonomic concept:

Avibase taxonomic concepts (current):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2023 (May 2023):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2024 (Oct 2024):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 05 (Jan 2017):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 06 (Feb 2018):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 07 (Feb 2020):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 08 (Feb 2021):
Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus] ( Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus])
Clements, version 2024:
Large-billed Crow ( Corvus macrorhynchos) [version 2]
eBird version 2024:
Large-billed Crow ( Corvus macrorhynchos) [version 2]
Howard and Moore 4th edition (vol. 1-2):
Large-billed Crow ( Corvus macrorhynchos) [version 2]
Howard and Moore 4th edition (incl. corrigenda vol.1-2):
Large-billed Crow ( Corvus macrorhynchos) [version 2]

Taxonomic status:

Species status: species (alt)

This taxon is a subspecies of Corvus [macrorhynchos, philippinus, levaillantii or culminatus]

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Other synonyms

See also the taxonomic synonyms table.

Bengali: দাঁড় কাক
Catalan: corb becgròs asiàtic
Czech: vrána hrubozobá
Danish: Stornæbbet Krage
German: Dickschnabelkrähe
English: Large-billed Crow, Large-billed, Eastern Jungle or Indian Jungle Crow [excl. philippinus]
English (Philippines): Large-billed Crow
Esperanto: Grandbeka korvo
Spanish: Cuervo Picudo
Spanish (Spain): Cuervo Picudo
Estonian: suurnokk-vares
Persian: کلاغ جنگلی نوک‌بزرگ
Finnish: paksunokkavaris
French: Corbeau à gros bec, Corbeau à gros bec ou C. de Levaillant [excl. philippinus]
Hindi: Karung kakai
Hungarian: dzsungelvarjú
Indonesian: Gagak Kampung
Italian: Corvo beccogrosso
Japanese (romaji): hashibutogarasu
Japanese: ハシブトガラス
Japanese (Kanji): 嘴太烏
Korean: 큰부리까마귀
Korean (Transliteration): keun-buri-kkamagwi
Scientific: Corvus [macrorhynchos, levaillantii or culminatus, excl. philippinus], Corvus macrorhynchos, Corvus macrorhynchos macrorhynchos
Lithuanian: Ilgasnapė varna
Latvian: dižknābja vārna
Malayalam: ബലിക്കാക്ക
Malay: Gagak Paruh Besar
Nepali: कालो काग
Dutch: Dikbekkraai
Norwegian: Tykknebbkråke
Polish: wrona wielkodzioba
Pinyin: dà zuǐ wū-yā
Portuguese: Corvo-de-bico-grossudo
Portuguese (Portugal): Corvo-de-bico-grosso
Russian: Большеклювая ворона
Slovak: vrana hrubozobá
Serbian: Krupnokljuna vrana
Swedish: Stornäbbad kråka
Thai: อีกา
Thai (Transliteration): ii-kaa
Turkish: iri gagalı karga
Ukrainian: Ворона великодзьоба
Vietnamese: Quạ đen
Chinese: 大嘴乌鸦
Chinese (Traditional): 大嘴烏鴉
Chinese (Taiwan, Traditional): 巨嘴鴉
Chinese (Taiwan): 巨嘴鸦

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