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Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 53 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information for 20,000 regions, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more. This site is managed by Denis Lepage and hosted by Birds Canada, the Canadian copartner of Birdlife International. Avibase has been a work in progress since 1992 and I am now pleased to offer it as a service to the bird-watching and scientific community.

© Denis Lepage 2025 - Number of records currently in Avibase: 53,778,970 - Last update: 2025-02-02

search for a species or region:

Avibase blog
Avibase blog

Over the past few months, I have incorporated the latest versions of the IOC, Clements/eBird and Birdlife/HBW checklists into Avibase. I have also continued to expand on distribution data, with over 300,000 new records added since September, as well as 93 new regions (mostly islands around the Baja Peninsula, Mexico, and around Palawan, Philippines, as well as corrected some errors and omissions for Brazil municipalities) .

In addition, I have continued the work on the bibliographic data, with some 52,000 out of 89,000 original descriptions now tied to their original source (mostly on the Biodiversity Heritage Library). While some obscure sources remain currently unavailable online, I expect that vast majority of the remaining ones can still be found! I have also continued the painstaking work of trying to link all original descriptions to taxonomic concepts (avibase ID's), with around 52,000 of them now completed, many of them resoved into the synonymy of the current names.

Finally, I have also started to better align my master taxonomy and bring it more current, to align with the work of the Working Group Avian Checklists due for publication in the first half of 2025, and the other global taxonomies that are participating in this effort.

2024-08-26: It is now possible to search Avibase concepts based on the type locality of the original descriptions. Be aware however that type localities are very much a work in progress, and are often based on the locality names used in the language of the original publication, and with very little consistency in format.
2024-08-26: I have just added several sections of text that had not been translated yet. The list of all 104 languages in which Avibase is available can be viewed here. Many of them are simply taken from Google translations and would benefit from improvements. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to contact me if you would like to improve or add a new language.
2024-07-27: The South American Classification Committee (SACC) checklist has now been updated up to decisions made on 27 July 2024.
2024-07-24: I have just updated the AOS (American Ornithological Society) checklist to the latest 65th supplement. Been nice knowing you, Hoary Redpolls! New species of wrens are recognized within the House Wren and Rufous-naped Wren groups, and a new Booby, a new Pipit, a new Woodpecker and more! See the complete table that compares the 2 lists here.
Bird of the day:

Bird of the day: Manorina melanotis (Black-eared Miner) Photos Sounds

photo ©David Cook Wildlife Photography
(1 votes)
Photo powered by flickr.com.

Birds Canada - Oiseaux Canada Birdlife International
Bird checklist of the day: Giurgiu (County), Giurgiu, Romania
Avibase Flickr Group Flickr icon
Avibase Updates on Mastodon
Checklists reviewed recently
Checklists reviewed recently:

Islas San Benito, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Willard, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Todos Santos, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla San Martín, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla San Lorenzo Norte, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla San Jerónimo, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Pond, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Piojo, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Pata, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Mitlán, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Mejia, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla La Ventana, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Granito, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Flecha, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla El Muerto, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Coronado, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Coloradito, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Cerraja, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Calavera, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Cabeza de Caballo, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Bota, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Islotes Blancos, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla San Luis, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla San Lorenzo Sur, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Salsipuedes, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Roca Lobos, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Rasa, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Partida (Baja Calif.), Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Montague, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Lagartija, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Gore, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Encantada, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Cardonosa Este, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Ángel de la Guarda, Baja California, Mexico (24/12/2024)
Isla Magdalena, Baja California Sur, Mexico (24/12/2024)

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Recent new country records
Recent new country records:

Reed Bunting, Thailand (30/01/2025)
Tree Pipit, Malaysia (30/01/2025)
Willow Warbler, Maldives (30/01/2025)
Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Pakistan (30/01/2025)
Spotted Flycatcher, Maldives (30/01/2025)
Little Tern, High Seas (30/01/2025)
Vega Gull, Mexico (30/01/2025)
American Coot, Peru (30/01/2025)
Watercock, Timor-Leste (30/01/2025)
Shikra, Hong Kong (30/01/2025)
Long-tailed Duck, Saudi Arabia (30/01/2025)
Black Stork, Singapore (30/01/2025)
Hall's Giant-Petrel, Turkey (30/01/2025)
Black-throated Parrotbill, Cambodia (20/01/2025)
Black-whiskered Vireo, Ecuador (20/01/2025)
Cape Verde Shearwater, United Kingdom (20/01/2025)
Gadwall, Seychelles (20/01/2025)
Cotton Pygmy-goose, Seychelles (20/01/2025)
Moustached Warbler, Nepal (20/01/2025)
Diamond Dove, Réunion (20/01/2025)
Grey Heron, French Guiana (20/01/2025)
Grey-backed Albatross, Colombia (20/01/2025)
Parasitic Weaver, Gabon (20/01/2025)
Western Miombo Sunbird, Burundi (20/01/2025)
Purple Martin, Barbados (20/01/2025)
Amur Stonechat, Estonia (20/01/2025)
Slaty-backed Gull, Estonia (20/01/2025)
Black-shouldered Kite, Kyrgyzstan (20/01/2025)
Pacific Loon, Netherlands (20/01/2025)
Great-tailed Grackle, Guadeloupe (20/01/2025)
Nashville Warbler, Barbados (20/01/2025)
Ornate Sunbird, Macau (20/01/2025)
Yellow-eyed Bristlebill, Kenya (20/01/2025)
Daurian Red-rumped Swallow, Oman (20/01/2025)
Grey-streaked Flycatcher, India (20/01/2025)

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Avibase has been visited 416,851,925 times since 24 June 2003. © Denis Lepage | Privacy policy