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Common, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands or African Chaffinch

Fringilla [coelebs, moreletti, maderensis, canariensis or spodiogenys] (= Fringilla coelebs) Linnaeus, C 1758

The common chaffinch or simply the chaffinch is a common and widespread small passerine bird in the finch family. The male is brightly coloured with a blue-grey cap and rust-red underparts. The female is more subdued in colouring, but both sexes have two contrasting white wing bars and white sides to the tail. The male bird has a strong voice and sings from exposed perches to attract a mate. Source: Wikipedia

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  Fringilla coelebs

Original description

  Linnaeus, C 1758

   Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.179

  Fringilla coelebs

Type locality:


Avibase identifiers

Avibase ID:

Avibase ID:

Short link:

Taxonomic Serial Number:
  TSN: 179168

Geographic range:

  • Fringilla coelebs [coelebs, tyrrhenica or caucasica]: continental Europe to Siberia and Türkiye; winters to Africa
  • Fringilla coelebs balearica: Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands
  • Fringilla coelebs schiebeli: Crete
  • Fringilla coelebs syriaca: Cyprus and Levant
  • Fringilla coelebs solomkoi: Crimean Peninsula and Caucasus
  • Fringilla coelebs alexandrovi: northern Iran
  • Fringilla coelebs transcaspia: northeastern Iran (southern Transcaspia in Kopet Dagh and Khorasan)
  • Fringilla coelebs gengleri: British Isles, Orkneys, and Outer Hebrides
  • Fringilla coelebs sarda: Sardinia
  • Fringilla moreletti: Azores
  • Fringilla maderensis: Madeira
  • Fringilla canariensis [canariensis or bakeri]: Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Gomera, and Tenerife)
  • Fringilla canariensis ombriosa: Hierro (Canary Islands)
  • Fringilla canariensis palmae: La Palma (Canary Islands)
  • Fringilla spodiogenys spodiogenys: eastern Tunisia and northwestern Libya
  • Fringilla spodiogenys africana: northwestern Africa (Morocco to northwestern Tunisia)
  • Fringilla spodiogenys harterti: northeastern Libya
  • Show more...
Common, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands or African Chaffinch
Pinson des arbres, P. des Açores, P. de Madère, P. des Canaries ou P. d'Afrique

Authorities recognizing this taxonomic concept:

African Bird Club Checklist 2004:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
African Bird Club Checklist August 2005:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
African Bird Club Checklist March 2007:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
African Bird Club Checklist January 2008:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
African Bird Club Checklist May 2009:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
African Bird Club Checklist March 2010:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 5th edition (incl. 34th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (1983):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. 35th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. 36th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. 37th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. 38th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. 39th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. 40th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 6th edition (incl. 41st suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (1998):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 42nd suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 43rd suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 44th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 45th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 46th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 47th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 48th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 49th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 50th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 51st suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 52nd suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 53rd suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 54th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 55th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 56th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Union 7th edition (incl. 57th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 58th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 59th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 60th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 61st suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 61st suppl. and addendum):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 62nd suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 63rd suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 64th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
American Ornithologists' Society 7th edition (incl. 65th suppl.):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts (current):
Common, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands or African Chaffinch ( Fringilla [coelebs, moreletti, maderensis, canariensis or spodiogenys])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2023 (May 2023):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 2024 (Oct 2024):
Common, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands or African Chaffinch ( Fringilla [coelebs, moreletti, maderensis, canariensis or spodiogenys])
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 01 (August 2013):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 02 (May 2014):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 03 (March 2015):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 04 (Aug 2016):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 05 (Jan 2017):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 06 (Feb 2018):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 07 (Feb 2020):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 08 (Feb 2021):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 00:
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 01:
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 02:
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 03:
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 04:
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 05 (Jun 2012):
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 05.1 (Oct 2012):
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 06 (Nov 2013):
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 06.1 (Feb 2014):
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 07 (Jul 2014):
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 08 (Oct 2015):
Eurasian Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 09 (Dec 2016):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Birdlife checklist version 09.1 (Jun 2017):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v2 (Dec 2017):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v3 (Nov 2018):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v4 (Dec 2019):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v5 (Dec 2020):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6 (Dec 2021):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6b (Jul 2022):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v7 (Dec 2022):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v8 (Dec 2023):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v9 (Oct 2024):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
British Ornithologists' Union Checklist (7th edition):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
British Ornithologists' Union Checklist (7th edition, incl. Jan 2009 suppl.):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Christidis and Boles (2008): Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Commission internationale pour les noms français des oiseaux (1993, révision 2009):
Pinson des arbres ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Commission internationale pour les noms français des oiseaux (1993):
Pinson des arbres ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Clements 1st edition:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Clements, version 2021:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements, version 2022:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 3rd edition:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Clements 4th edition:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Clements 5th edition (as published):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2000 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2001 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2002 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2003 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2004 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 5th edition (incl. 2005 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2007 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2008 revisions):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (incl. 2009 revisions):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (version 6.5 incl. 2010 revisions):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (version 6.6 incl. 2011 revisions):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (version 6.7 incl. 2012 revisions):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (version 6.8 incl. 2013 revisions):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements 6th edition (version 6.9 incl. 2014 revisions):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements, version 2015:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements, version 2016:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements, version 2017:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements, version 2018:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Clements, version 2019:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 1.50:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
eBird version 1.52:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 1.53:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 1.54:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 1.55:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 2015:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 2016:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 2017:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 2018:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 2019:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 2021:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
eBird version 2022:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 2nd edition:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 2nd edition (incl. ? suppl):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (as published):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 1.2):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 2.1):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 3.1):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 4):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 5):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 6):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 7):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 3rd edition (incl. corrigenda 8):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 4th edition (vol. 1-2):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Howard and Moore 4th edition (incl. corrigenda vol.1-2):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
Handbook of the Birds of the World (vol 1-16):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (31/01/2015):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (03/07/2017):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2017):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Handbook of the Birds of the World and Birdlife (Dec 2018):
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.0:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.5:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.6:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 1.7:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.0:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.3:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.4:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.5:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.6:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.7:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.8:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.9:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.10:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 2.11:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.3:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.4:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 3.5:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.3:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 4.4:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 3]
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.3:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 5.4:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.3:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 6.4:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 7.3:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 8.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 8.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 9.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 9.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 10.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 10.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 11.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 11.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 12.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 12.2:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
IOC World Bird Names, version 13.1:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Morony, Bock and Farrand:
Common Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Oriental Bird Club:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Peters' Check-list of the Birds:
Fringilla coelebs [version 1]
Peters' Check-list of the Birds (original):
Fringilla coelebs [version 1]
Peters' Check-list of the Birds (2nd edition):
Fringilla coelebs [version 1]
Sibley and Monroe (1993):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Sibley and Monroe (1993, including corrections up to 1998):
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Sibley and Monroe, Birds of the World Version 2.0:
Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs) [version 1]
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource:
Fringilla coelebs [version 1]
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource:
Fringilla coelebs [version 3]

Taxonomic status:

Species status: species group (sometimes a species)

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Related taxa

Alternative arrangements:  1  2  3 

Highlight taxa in a checklist (shown in red)

Other synonyms

See also the taxonomic synonyms table.

Abkhazian: аҮыӷра , аҮысӷра
Afrikaans: Gryskoppie
Arabic: الحسون الظالم, الصغنج, الصغنج (عصفور ظالم), الصغنج(عصفور ظالم), شرشور ظالم-صلنج, عصفور ظالم
Asturian: Pimpím, Pimpín común, Pin-Pin
Azerbaijani: Adi hörücü, Garlı alacəhrə quşu, Meşə sərçəsi, meşəsərçəsi
Bashkir: алағанат турғай
Belarusian: Берасцянка, Зябок
Bulgarian: Обикновена чинка
Breton: Ar pintig, Pint, Pint boutin, Pintig
Catalan: Pardal d'ala blanca, Pinsà, Pinsà comú
Catalan (Balears): Pinsà
Valencian: Pardal d'ala blanca
Montenegrin: zeba, зеба
Montenegrin (Cyrillic): зеба
Czech: Penkava obecná, Pěnkava obecná, pìnkava obecná
Chuvash: ахаль пимпĕ, пимпĕ, пимпĕсем, пимпа, пимпасем, пимпи
Welsh: Asgell arian, Asgell fraith, Asgell-arian, Binc-binc, Brig y coed, Ji-binc, Jin jin, Pia'r gwinc, Pwynt, Winc
Danish: Bogfinke
German: Buchfink, Finkenlerche
Greek: (Κοινός) Σπίνος, Σπίvoς, Σπίννος, Σπίνος
Greek (Cypriot): Σπίννος
English: Chaffinch, Chaffinch Chaffinch, Common Chaffinch, Common, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands or African Chaffinch, Eurasian Chaffinch, European Chaffinch
English, HBW: Common Chaffinch
English (IOC): Common Chaffinch
English (New Zealand): Chaffinch
English (United States): Common Chaffinch
Esperanto: Arbarfringo, brana fringo, fringo
Spanish: Gorrión molinero, Pinzón Común, Pinzon Vulgar, Pinzón vulgar
Spanish (Spain): Pinzón Vulgar
Spanish (HBW): Pinzón vulgar
Estonian: Metsvint
Basque: Pinsà comú , Txonda arrunta, Txonta arrunt, Txonta arrunta
Evenki: зяблик
Persian: سهره جنگلی, سهرۀ جنگلی
Finnish: Peippo
Faroese: Bókfinka, Bókígða
French: Pinson des arbres, Pinson des arbres, P. des Açores, P. de Madère, P. des Canaries ou P. d'Afrique
Friulian: frangel, franzel, sfranzei, sfranzel
Frisian: Skelfink
Irish: Bricín beatha, Gealún cátha, Rí Rua, Ríura
Gaelic: Breacan Beithe, Bricein Beithe, Briecan Beatha
Galician: Pimpín, pimpín común, Pinsà comú
Manx: Ushag Veg Vreck, Ushag y Choan, Ushag y choau
Hebrew: פרוש מצוי
Croatian: Zeba, Zeba bitkavica
Hungarian: Erdei pinty
Armenian: [Amurik ], Ամուրիկ
Icelandic: Bókfinka
Italian: Fringuello, Fringuello comune
Japanese (romaji): zu-ao atori, zuaoatori, Zuao-atori
Japanese: ズアオアトリ
Japanese (Kanji): 頭青花鶏
Georgian: ნიბლია, სკვინჩა
Kara-Kalpak: зяблик, қызыл төс қус
Kabardian: бзуморэ, румат
Mongolian, Halh: дуулгат бужирга, дуулгат ээрүүл бялзуухай
Kazakh: Жаурауық, Қарлы торғай, шұбар шымшық
Kazakh (Transliteration): jawrawıq
Korean: 푸른머리되새
Karachay-Balkar: сарын, сарын чыпчыкъ
North Karelian: peiponi
Cornish: Tynk
Kirghiz: кадимки калтырак, калтырак, токой таранчысы, ушучук
Scientific: Fringilla [coelebs, moreletti, maderensis, canariensis or spodiogenys], Fringilla coelebs, Fringilla coelebs coelebs
Luxembourgish: Poufank
Lithuanian: Čiuldutis, Kikilis, Paprastasis kikilis, Šilagaidis
Latvian: Žube, Žubīte
Macedonian: Зеба, Обична звингалка, обична ѕвингалка
Mongolian: Дуулгаат ээрүүл бялзуухай, дуулгат божрог, Дуулгат бужирга, Дуулгат ээрүүл бялзуухай
Mongolian (Transliteration): duulag t bujirag , duulag t eerüül byalzuukhai
Moldavian: Cinteză
Maltese: Sponsun, sponsuni
Mongolian, Chakhar (Peripheral): дуулгат божрог
Nepali: चित्रकचरी
Dutch: Vink
Norwegian Nynorsk: Bokfink
Norwegian: Bokfink, Tvint'n, Uverspekk
Livvi (Olonets Karelian): vihandupeiboi
Polish: zieba, Zięba, zięba (zwyczajna), zieba zwyczajna, Zięba zwyczajna
Pinyin: cāng-tóu yàn-què
Portuguese: Tentelhão-comum, tentilhão, Tentilhão(-comum), Tentilhão-comum
Portuguese (Portugal): Tentilhão, tentilhão-comum
Romansh: Fringhel
Rhaeto-Romance: Fringhel
Romanian: Cinteză
Russian: Zyablik, Зяблик, Обыкновенный зяблик
Yakut: эриэн кынат
Sardinian: Lineddu, Pappadrigu, Pappatrigu, Passariargia, Tintillu, Zoni
Scots: Breacan beithe, Briecan beatha
Northern Sami: Beibboš
Slovak: pinka lesná, Pinka obyčajná
Slovenian: šcinkavec, ščinkavec
Albanian: Borës, Zborak, Zboraks, Zboraksi, Zog bore
Serbian: obicna zeba, obična zeba, Zeba, Обична зеба
Swedish: Bofink
Thai: นกจาบปีกอ่อนหัวเทาอกชมพู
Thai (Transliteration): nók càap-pìik-òaan hŭa-tʰaw òk-cʰom-pʰuu
Turkish: Bayağı İspinoz, ispinoz, İspinoz, şspinoz, Жаурауық
Tatar: кызылтүш , утлы чыпчык
Tuvinian: Агаар медээчизи, Зяблик
Udmurt: ӟиллѐ, ӟиллѐкей, ӟиллѐос, почаш, поӵыш
Ukrainian: Зяблик, Зяблик звичайний
Uzbek: зяблик, қизил тўш чумчуқ, қизилтўш, қизилтўш чумчуқ
Vietnamese: Chim sẻ khướư
Kalmyk: беергуш, пимпә, царцу
Chinese: [cang-tou yan-que], 苍头燕雀
Chinese (Traditional): 蒼頭燕雀

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