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Alca torda Linnaeus, C 1758

Related taxa:
This table contains the extended synonymy (excluding common names) for the taxonomic concept Alca torda. This includes all variations of the name (e.g. emendations, recombination, published spelling errors), as well as any known nomenclatural synonyms found in Avibase (e.g. all species, subspecies, subsumed subspecies, junior synonmyms and other taxon names now placed in synonymy). Vernacular synonyms can also be found on the main summary page.

Original description

Scientific:   Alca torda
Citation:   Linnaeus, C 1758
Protonym:   Alca Torda
Reference:   Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Publication:   https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/10277#page/148/mode/1up
Type locality:   'Europae borealis oceano'; restricted type locality, southern Sweden.


Avibase nameSynonymSynonym typeProtonym CitationReference
Alca tordaAlca tordacurrently in use Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca tordaAlca torda tordaspelling variant (e.g. recombination, emendation) Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca tordaUtamania tordaspelling variant (e.g. recombination, emendation) Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca tordaAlca balthicajunior synonym Alca balthicaPontoppidan, E 1763 Danske Atlas 1 p.621, pl. 26 fig.
Alca tordaAlca unisulcatajunior synonym Alca unisulcataBrünnich, MT 1764 Orn. Borealis p.25
Alca tordaAlca balthicajunior synonym Alca balthicaBrünnich, MT 1764 Orn. Borealis p.25
Alca tordaAlca clupeajunior synonym Alca clupeaWood, CT 1836 Analyst, London 3, no.14 p.211
Alca torda tordaAlca Tordaprotonym (original spelling) Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca torda torda (torda)Alca Tordaprotonym (original spelling) Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca torda torda (torda)Alca torda tordacurrently in use Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca torda tordaAlca torda tordacurrently in use Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca torda torda (torda)Alca torda torda (torda)non-conform name (e.g. hybrids) Alca TordaLinnaeus, C 1758 Systema Naturae ed. 10 1 p.130
Alca torda torda (pica)Alca picajunior synonym Alca picaLinnaeus, C 1766 Systema Naturae ed. 12, vol. 1, part 1 p.210
Alca torda torda (pica)Alca torda picajunior synonym Alca picaLinnaeus, C 1766 Systema Naturae ed. 12, vol. 1, part 1 p.210
Alca torda islandica (islandica)Alca Islandicajunior synonym Alca IslandicaBrehm, CL 1831 Handb. Naturgesch. Vög. Deutschl. p.1005 pl.44 fig.2
Alca torda islandica (islandica)Alca torda islandicajunior synonym Alca IslandicaBrehm, CL 1831 Handb. Naturgesch. Vög. Deutschl. p.1005 pl.44 fig.2
Alca torda islandicaAlca Islandicajunior synonym Alca IslandicaBrehm, CL 1831 Handb. Naturgesch. Vög. Deutschl. p.1005 pl.44 fig.2
Alca torda islandicaAlca torda islandicajunior synonym Alca IslandicaBrehm, CL 1831 Handb. Naturgesch. Vög. Deutschl. p.1005 pl.44 fig.2
Alca torda islandica (britannica)Alca torda britannicajunior synonym Alca torda britannicaTicehurst, CB 1936 Ibis ser.13, vol.6 p.383
Alca torda torda (pica)Alca torda torda (pica)non-conform name (e.g. hybrids) Alca picaLinnaeus, C 1766 Systema Naturae ed. 12, vol. 1, part 1 p.210
Alca torda islandica (islandica)Alca torda islandica (islandica)non-conform name (e.g. hybrids) Alca IslandicaBrehm, CL 1831 Handb. Naturgesch. Vög. Deutschl. p.1005 pl.44 fig.2
Alca torda islandica (britannica)Alca torda islandica (britannica)non-conform name (e.g. hybrids) Alca torda britannicaTicehurst, CB 1936 Ibis ser.13, vol.6 p.383

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