Avibase je obiman informacioni sistem baze podataka o svim pticama svijeta, koji sadrži više od 1 milion zapise o 10.000 vrsta i 22.000 podvrsta ptica, uključujući informacije o distribuciji za 20.000 regija, taksonomiju, sinonime na više jezika i više. Ovom sajtu upravlja Denis Lepage i domaćin je Birds Canada, kanadskog partnera kompanije Birdlife International. Avibase je posao u toku od 1992. godine i sada mi je drago što ga nudim kao servis za posmatranje ptica i naučnu zajednicu.
© Denis Lepage 2025 - Broj evidencija trenutno u Avibase: 53,873,005 - Poslednji update: 2024-12-27
Over the past few months, I have incorporated the latest versions of the IOC, Clements/eBird and Birdlife/HBW checklists into Avibase. I have also continued to expand on distribution data, with over 300,000 new records added since September, as well as 93 new regions (mostly islands around the Baja Peninsula, Mexico, and around Palawan, Philippines, as well as corrected some errors and omissions for Brazil municipalities) .
In addition, I have continued the work on the bibliographic data, with some 52,000 out of 89,000 original descriptions now tied to their original source (mostly on the Biodiversity Heritage Library). While some obscure sources remain currently unavailable online, I expect that vast majority of the remaining ones can still be found! I have also continued the painstaking work of trying to link all original descriptions to taxonomic concepts (avibase ID's), with around 52,000 of them now completed, many of them resoved into the synonymy of the current names.
Finally, I have also started to better align my master taxonomy and bring it more current, to align with the work of the Working Group Avian Checklists due for publication in the first half of 2025, and the other global taxonomies that are participating in this effort.
Ptica dana: Mixornis gularis (Striped Tit-Babbler)
Avibase je posjetio 409.989.650 puta od 24. juna 2003. godine. © Denis Lepage | Politika privatnosti